Your choice of hikers shoes is something on which your overall experience of the trip depends. Good footwear either makes or breaks the entire experience overall. Therefore, the choice made should be very mindful. If your shoes make you feel uncomfortable in the middle of the trek, then you are not alone. There are several factors that affect the comfort of the shoes. If these factors are not taken care of, your shoes might give you a hard time trekking, which is exactly what you do not want.
Here are some things you might be doing wrong.
- Poor fitting and size issues: Is your shoe causing you discomfort? This might be the resukt of poor fitting. Tight shoes will not let your foot breathe and can keep it cramped. This might result in blisters and numbness, while a loose shoe will increase friction, causing blisters. They may cause disbalance. The wrong size of the toe box can also cause discomfort. To get the shoes of just the right size, make sure you leave space for the cushioned socks you are going to wear on the trek. This way, your feet will not suffocate and will stay dry and cool.
- Inadequate break-in period: It is important to break in your shoes. If done right, they can cause discomfort. They usually come very stiff and are required to be softened before wearing them on the trek. To make the shoes more flexible, consider bending them with your hands. It loosens the stiff materials and prepares them for rugged terrain. Once your trekking shoes get used to a good distance and a variety of terrains, try adding extra load and weight by carrying a backpack to mimic trekking situations. This lets you get accustomed to the weight and prepare your shoes for the trek as well.
- Lack of proper arch support: Poor arch, most of the time, is the root of discomfort during treks and hikes. Poor arch support not only causes fatigue and foot cramps, but it also gradually leads to knee pain and backache. While on a hike or a trek, shoes are expected to provide the right support and balance even on uneven paths. Search for shoes that help you maintain balance on uneven terrain. Providing you comfort and coziness, the shoes need to prevent sprains and strains. Opting for a cushioned shoe can elevate the entire experience. We, at Gokyo, manufacture just the right shoe that offers cushioning along with stability.
- Inadequate cushioning: Poor cushioning is what degrades your experience. Not providing enough support to the foot, such shoes make your food sprain-prone. To prevent any blisters and pressure, take care that your shoe has room for a toe box. This will make your toe move freely. While taking care of the toe box, do not forget that it needs to be snug enough.
Good shoes can transform your experience, and that is why it is very important to own things of excellent quality. We, at Gokyo, cater to all the needs of a globetrotter without compromising on the quality or looks. Navigate our digital aisle and get your hands on the best gear for your trek, ranging from jackets to Trekking socks. So, get your hands on the one you want.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) :
1. What types of trekking shoes does Gokyo offer for different terrains?
Gokyo offers trekking shoes ranging from low ankles to mid-ankle to low-ankle.
2. Are there waterproof trekking shoes available for wet conditions?
Yes, the outer and inner are made of synthetic materials, which is why it is waterproof.
3. Do Gokyo shoes come with built-in arch support for long treks?
Yes, our shoes have arch support.
4. What materials are used in Gokyo trekking socks for moisture-wicking?
Yes, the fabric is moisture-wicking to keep your foot cool and dry.
5. Does Gokyo offer insulated trekking socks for colder climates?
Yes, we have a variety of socks for different weather conditions.
6. What sizes are available for Gokyo's hiker shoes?
The size ranges from UK-7 to UK-12